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Visiter l'Albanie – Real Estate in Albania

Added by Editor on February 1, 2012 By Elsi H My trip to Albania lasted one week. After evaluating various opportunities I decided to make the trip by plane and then rent a car. Booked a flight through an agency I found on the internet with a representative in Tirana. It was called Venice Budapest

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Albanie: IMF praise, with caveats

Octobre 8, 2012 by Andrew MacDowall In 2009, with the global economy in recession, Albania was one of the few countries in Europe to register GDP growth. While some Eastern European countries saw double-digit negative growth, Albania clocked up an impressive plus- 3.3 per cent. The country’s economic performance since then has been steady, if unspectacular, as an

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Acheter une propriété en Albanie: Time to Invest in joyau oublié de l'Europe

Albanie, une fois un marigot inaccessible, est ouvert aux affaires. Acheter, dit Christopher Middleton. By Christopher Middleton – 3:56PM BST 01 Octobre 2012 Visitez le développement Lalzit Bay, de la côte adriatique de l'Albanie, et il n'y a pas grand chose à voir. Un chantier de construction clôturée, some half-builtapartment blocks, and several miles of sandy beach. It is the kind of scene you

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